Learning Touch Typing
Using Monkey Type to get my first speedtest results:
02/24/2025 55 WPM Learning to type with: https://www.typing.com/ https://www.typingclub.com/
Going to be practicing on these sites: https://10fastfingers.com/ https://www.keybr.com/ https://play.typeracer.com/
try ctrl+backspace to delete entire word
Day 1 (1 hour) Typing club Lessons 1-41
Day 2 (1 hour) Typing club Lessons 1-41
Day 3 (1 hour) Typing club Lessons 1-50
Day 4 (1 hour) Typing club Lessons 2-55
Day 5 (1 hour) Typing club Lessons 2-62
Day 6 (1 hour) Typing club Lessons 25-46 Lessons 2-10 Above 50 WPM at 100% Hands very cold and lack of sleep today.
Day 7 (1 hour) Typing Club Lessons 53 - 81
Day 8 (skipped) Busy with sick child
Day 9 (1.5 hours) Typing Club Lessons 55-107
Day 10 (30 minutes) Typing Club Lessons 108-119
Day 11 (1 hour) Typing Club Lessons 120-141
Day 12 (30 minutes) Typing Club Lessons 142-151
Day 13 (30 minutes) Typing Club Lessons 151-164