Vim Guide

Vim (Vi Improved)

Vim stands for vi (Improved) just like its name it stands for an improved version of the vi text editor command.


Start Vim


Vim Search Patterns

Moving the Cursor

h or left arrow - move left one character k or up arrow - move up one line j or down arrow - move down one line l or right arrow - will move you right one character

Different Vim Modes

I - Enter INSERT mode from command mode esc - Go back to command mode v - visual mode

Vim Appending Text

In enter while in command mode and will bring you to insert mode.

I - insert text before the cursor O - insert text on the previous line o - insert text on the next line a - append text after cursor A - append text at the end of the line

Vim editing

x - used to cut the selected text also used for deleting characters dd - used to delete the current line y - yank or copy whatever is selected yy - yank or copy the current line p - paste the copied text before the cursor

Vim Saving and exiting

:w - writes or saves the file :q - quit out of vim :wq - write and then quit :q! - quit out of vim without saving the file ZZ - equivalent of :wq, but one character faster

u - undo your last action Ctrl-r - redo your last action :% sort - Sort lines

Vim Splits

Add to .vimrc for different key mappings for easy navigation between splits to save a keystroke. So instead of ctrl-w then j, it’s just ctrl-j:

nnoremap <C-J> <C-W><C-J> 
nnoremap <C-K> <C-W><C-K> 
nnoremap <C-L> <C-W><C-L> 
nnoremap <C-H> <C-W><C-H>

Open file in new split

:vsp filename

Find and Replace

Find and Replace Text in File(s) with Vim

Find and replace in a single file

Open the file in Vim, this command will replace all occurances of the word “foo” with “bar”.


% - apply to whole file s - substitution g - operate on all results

Find and replace a string in all files in current directory

In vim, select all files with args. Use regex to select the files you want. Select all files with *

:args *

You can also select all recursively:

:args **

Run :args to see which files are selected"


Perform substitution with argdo

This applies the replacement command to all selected args:

:argdo %s/foo/bar/g | update

Nerd Tree Plugin

Add to .vimrc

call plug#begin()
Plug 'preservim/nerdtree'

call plug#end()

nnoremap <leader>n :NERDTreeFocus<CR>
nnoremap <C-n> :NERDTree<CR>
nnoremap <C-t> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
nnoremap <C-f> :NERDTreeFind<CR>

Vim Calendar


Add to vim.rc

:auto FileType vim/wiki map d :Vim/wikiMakeDiaryNote
function! ToggleCalendar()
  execute ":Calendar"
  if exists("g:calendar_open")
    if g:calendar_open == 1
      execute "q"
      unlet g:calendar_open
      g:calendar_open = 1
    let g:calendar_open = 1
:auto FileType vim/wiki map c :call ToggleCalendar()i


Cheat sheet

Set up

Make sure git is installed?

Check git version

git --version Check git version

dnf git install

sudo dnf install git-all

Download plug.vim and put it in ~/.vim/autoload

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

Create ~/.vimrc

touch ~/.vimrc

Add to ~/.vimrc

Installation using Vim-Plug

Install Vim Plug

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

Add the following to the plugin-configuration in your vimrc:

set nocompatible  
filetype plugin on  
syntax on

call plug#begin()  
Plug 'vimwiki/vimwiki'

call plug#end()

let mapleader=" "  
let wiki_1 = {}  
let wiki_1.path = '~/Documents/PerfectDarkMode/'  
let wiki_1.syntax = 'markdown'  
let wiki_1.ext = ''  
let wiki_2 = {}  
let wiki_2.path = '~/Documents/vim/wiki_personal/'  
let wiki_2.syntax = 'markdown'  
let wiki_2.ext = ''  
let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki_1, wiki_2]  

Then run :PlugInstall.

(leader)ws select which wiki to use

Basic Markup

= Header1 =
== Header2 ==
=== Header3 ===

*bold* -- bold text
_italic_ -- italic text

[wiki link](wiki%20link) -- wiki link
[description](wiki%20link) -- wiki link with description 


* bullet list item 1
    - bullet list item 2
    - bullet list item 3
        * bullet list item 4
        * bullet list item 5
* bullet list item 6
* bullet list item 7
    - bullet list item 8
    - bullet list item 9

1. numbered list item 1
2. numbered list item 2
    a) numbered list item 3
    b) numbered list item 4 

For other syntax elements, see :h vimwiki-syntax

Vimwiki Table of Contents

:VimwikiTOC Create or update the Table of Contents for the current wiki file. See |vimwiki-toc|.

Table of Contents vimwiki-toc vimwiki-table-of-contents

You can create a “table of contents” at the top of your wiki file. The command |:VimwikiTOC| creates the magic header > = Contents = in the current file and below it a list of all the headers in this file as links, so you can directly jump to specific parts of the file.

For the indentation of the list, the value of |vimwiki-option-list_margin| is used.

If you don’t want the TOC to sit in the very first line, e.g. because you have a modeline there, put the magic header in the second or third line and run :VimwikiTOC to update the TOC.

If English is not your preferred language, set the option |g:vimwiki_toc_header| to your favorite translation.

If you want to keep the TOC up to date automatically, use the option |vimwiki-option-auto_toc|.


Key Default value Values~ auto_toc 0 0, 1

Description~ Set this option to 1 to automatically update the table of contents when the current wiki page is saved: > let g:vimwiki_list = [{‘path’: ‘~/my_site/’, ‘auto_toc’: 1}]


Key Default value~ list_margin -1 (0 for markdown)

Description~ Width of left-hand margin for lists. When negative, the current ‘shiftwidth’ is used. This affects the appearance of the generated links (see |:VimwikiGenerateLinks|), the Table of contents (|vimwiki-toc|) and the behavior of the list manipulation commands |:VimwikiListChangeLvl| and the local mappings |vimwiki_glstar|, |vimwiki_gl#| |vimwiki_gl-|, |vimwiki_gl-|, |vimwiki_gl1|, |vimwiki_gla|, |vimwiki_glA|, |vimwiki_gli|, |vimwiki_glI| and |vimwiki_i__|.

Note: if you use Markdown or MediaWiki syntax, you probably would like to set this option to 0, because every indented line is considered verbatim text.


The header level of the Table of Contents (see |vimwiki-toc|). Valid values are from 1 to 6.

The default is 1.


The format of the links in the Table of Contents (see |vimwiki-toc|).

Value Description~ 0 Extended: The link contains the description and URL. URL references all levels. 1 Brief: The link contains only the URL. URL references only the immediate level.

Default: 0

Key bindings

Normal mode

Note: your terminal may prevent capturing some of the default bindings listed below. See :h vimwiki-local-mappings for suggestions for alternative bindings if you encounter a problem.

Basic key bindings

  • <Leader>ww – Open default /wiki index file.
  • <Leader>wt – Open default /wiki index file in a new tab.
  • <Leader>ws – Select and open /wiki index file.
  • <Leader>wd – Delete /wiki file you are in.
  • <Leader>wr – Rename /wiki file you are in.
  • <Enter> – Follow/Create /wiki link.
  • <Shift-Enter> – Split and follow/create /wiki link.
  • <Ctrl-Enter> – Vertical split and follow/create /wiki link.
  • <Backspace> – Go back to parent(previous) /wiki link.
  • <Tab> – Find next /wiki link.
  • <Shift-Tab> – Find previous /wiki link.

Advanced key bindings

Refer to the complete documentation at :h vimwiki-mappings to see many more bindings.


  • :Vimwiki2HTML – Convert current wiki link to HTML.
  • :VimwikiAll2HTML – Convert all your wiki links to HTML.
  • :help vimwiki-commands – List all commands.
  • :help vimwiki – General vimwiki help docs.



alias todo=‘vim -c VimwikiDiaryIndex’


:VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks ^w^i Generate links ^w^w open today ^wi Open diary index ctrl + up previous day ctrl + down next day

  • How to create Weekly, Monthly, and yearly notes
  • How to do a template for daily
  • set folder location for diary

Diary Template

Nested folder structure


Say yes to make new directory


Convert to html live and shows some design stuff

Taskwarrior requires neovim?


vimwiki integration with task warrior

Ctrl P


Plug ‘ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim’