Juniper CLI Basics

Connection Methods

Factory default login:

User: root
No password


Ethernet management interface

SSH, FTP. Telnet, http(s)

Cannot route traffic and is used for management purposes only.

Initial Login

Logging for the First Time
• Nonroot users are placed into the CLI automatically
• Root user SSH login requires explicit config
router (ttyu0)
Serial console
login :

  • JUNOS 15.1X49-DIOO.6 built 2017-06-28 07:33:31 UTC
    • The root user must start the CLI from the shell
    • Remember to exit the root shell after logging out of the CLI!
    router (ttyuO)
  • JUNOS 15.1X49-DIOO
    .6 built
    Shell Prompt
    CLI Prompt “>

CLI Modes


Configure mode . New candidate config file

configure private (best practice)

Configure mode with a private candidate file

Other users logged in will not make changes to this file

Private Files comitted are merged into active config

Whoever commits last wins if there are matching commands

Can’t commit until you are at the top of the configuration (in private mode)

configure exclusive

Locks config database

Can be killed by admin

No other user can edit config while you are in this mode

(edit) top

Goes back to the top of the configuration tree

Candidate Config Files


Turns candidate config file into active

Warning will show if candidate config is already being edited

Commiting Configurations

Rollback files are last three Active configurations and stored in /config/(the current active are stored here as well)

4-49 are stores in /var/config/

Shows timestamp for the last time the file was active

rollback 1

Places rollback file one into the candidate config, must commit to make it active

CLI Help, Auto complete

Can type ? To show available commands

#> Show version brief

Show version info, hostname, and model


goes into configure mode

set system host-name hostname

set’s hostname

delete system host-name

deletes set hostname

edit routing-options static

edit routing options mode



Junos will let you know that config hasn’t been committed and ask if you want to commit

rollback 0

throwaway all changes to active candidate

#> help topic routing-options static

shows info page for topic specified

#> help references routing-options static

syntax and hierarchy of commands

Keyboard Shortcuts

Command completion


auto complete commands built into system, Does not autocomplete things you named


autocomplete user defined commands in the system


will show user defined options for autocomplete as well

Navigating Configuration Mode

When you go into config mode the running config is copied into a candidate file that you will be working on


if in configure mode, displays the entire candidate configuration


similar to cd

edit protocols ospf

goes to the protocols/ospf heirarchy config mode

if you run show commend it will show the contents of hierarchy from wherever you are.


goes to the top of the hierarchy. Like cd to / in Linux

must be at the top to commit changes

show protocols ospf

selects which part of the hierarchy to show

will only see this if you are above the option you want to show in the hierarchy

can bypass this with:

top show routing-options static

same thing happens with the edit command

top edit routing-options

same fix

Editing, Renaming, and Comparing Configuration


moves up one level in the hierarchy

there is a protion in this video wioth vlan and interface configuration, come back if this isn’t covered elsewhere

up 2

jump up 2 levels

rollback ?

shows all the rollback files on the system

run show system uptime

run is like “do” in cisco, can run command from anywhere

rollback 1

rolls config back to rollback 1 file

show | compare

show things to be removed added with - or +


Also brings you to the top of config file

Replace, Copy, or annotate Configuration

copy ge-0/0/1 to ge-0/0/2

makes a copy of the config

show ge-0/0/0

edit ge-0/0/0

Edit interfaces mode

#(int) replace pattern 0.101 with 200.102

Replaces the pattern of the ip address

#(int) replace pattern /24 with /25

Replace mask

If using replace commands don’t commit the config without running the #top show | compare command to verify. You may have run the compare command from one place.

top edit protocols ospf

Go into ospf edit

deactivate interface ge-0/0/0.0

Remove interface from ospf

annotate interface ge-0/0/0 “took down due to flapping”

C style programming comment

Load merge Configuration

run file list

ls -l basically

run file show top-int-config

Display contents of top-int-config

Paste Config on a Juniper Switch

load set terminal 
ctrl+shift +D to exit
commit check
commit and-quit

Juniper command equivalent to Cisco commands

Basic CLI and Systems Management


clock set > set date
reload > request system reboot
show history > show cli history
show logging > show log messages | last show processes > show system processes
show running config > show configuration
show users > show system users
show version > show version | show chassis hardware
trace > traceroute

Switching Commands

show ethernet-switching interfaces
show spanning-tree > show spanning-tree bridge
show mac address-table > show ethernet-switching table

OSPF Commands

show ip ospf database > show ospf database
show ip ospf interface > show ospf interface
show ip ospf neighbor > show ospf neighbor

Routing Protocol-Independent Commands

clear arp-cache > clear arp
show arp > show arp
show ip route > show route
show ip route summary > show route summary
show route-map > show policy | policy-name
show tcp > show system connections

Interface Commands

clear counters > clear interface statistics
show interfaces > show interfaces
show interfaces detail > show interfaces extensive
show ip interface brief > show interfaces terse