Basic User Management
Listing Logged-In Users
A list of the users who have successfully signed on to the system with valid credentials can be printed using who
and w
who command
- references the /run/utmp file and displays the information.
- displays login name of user
- shows terminal session device filename
- pts stands for pseudo terminal session
- shows data and time of user login
- Shows if terminal session is graphical(:0), remote(IP address), or textual on the console
what command (w)
- Shows length of time the user has been idle
- CPU time used by all processes including any existing background jobs attached to this terminal (JCPU),
- CPU time used by the current process (PCPU),
- current activity (WHAT).
- current system time
- system up duration
- number of users logged in
- cpu averages over last 1, 5, and 15 minutes
- load average (CPU load): 0.00 and 1.00 correspond to no load and full load, and a number greater than 1.00 signifies excess load (over 100%).
last command
- Reports the history of successful user login attempts and system boots
- Consults the wtmp file located in the /var/log directory.
- wtmp keeps a record of login/logout activities
- login time
- duration a user stayed logged in
- tty
- Output
- Login name
- Terminal name
- Terminal name or IP from where connection was established
- Day, Month, date, and time when the connection was established
- Log out time or (still logged in)
- Duration of session
- Action name (system reboots section)
- Activity name (system reboots section)
- Linux kernel version (system reboots section)
- Day, Month, date, and time when the reboot command was issued (system reboots section)
- System restart time (system reboots section)
- Duration the system remained down or (still running) (system reboots section)
- log filename (wtmp) (last line)
lastb command
- reports failed login attempts
- Consults /var/log/btmp
- record of failed login attempts
- login name
- time
- tty
- Must be root to run this command
- Columns
- name of user
- protocol used
- terminal name or ip address
- Day, Month, Date, and time of the attempt
- Duration the attempt was tried
- Duration the attempt last for
- log filename (btmp) (last line)
lastlog command
- most recent login evidence info for every user account that exists on the system
- Consults /var/log/lastlog
- record of most recent user attempts
- login name
- time
- port (or tty)
- Columns:
- Login name of user
- Terminal name assigned upon Logging in
- Terminal name or Ip address from where the session was initiated
- Timestamp for the latest login or “Never logged in”
- service accounts are used by their respective services, and they are not meant for logging.
id (identifier) Command
- displays the calling user’s:
- UID (User IDentifier)
- username
- GID (Group IDentifier)
- group name
- all secondary groups the user is a member of
- SELinux security context
groups Command:
- lists all groups the calling user is a member of:
- first group listed is the primary group for the user who executed this command
- other groups are secondary (or supplementary).
- can also view group membership information for a different user.
User Account Management
useradd Command
- add a new user to the system
- adds entries to the four user authentication files for each account added to the system
- creates a home directory for the user and copies the default user startup files from the skeleton directory /etc/skel into the user’s home directory
- used to update the default settings that are used at the time of new user creation for unspecified settings
- Options
- -b (–base-dir)
- Defines the absolute path to the base directory for placing user home directories. The default is /home.
- -c (–comment)
- Describes useful information about the user.
- -d (–home-dir)
- Defines the absolute path to the user home directory.
- -D (–defaults)
- Displays the default settings from the /etc/default/useradd file and modifies them.
- -e (–expiredate)
- Specifies a date on which a user account is automatically disabled. The format for the date specification is YYYY-MM-DD.
- -f (–inactive)
- Denotes maximum days of inactivity between password expiry and permanent account disablement.
- -g (–gid)
- Specifies the primary GID. Without this option, a group account matching the username is created with the GID matching the UID.
- -G (–groups)
- Specifies the membership to supplementary groups.
- -k (–skel)
- location of the skeleton directory (default is /etc/skel) (stores default user startup files)
- These files are copied to the user’s home directory at the time of account creation.
- Three hidden bash shell files: (default)
- .bash_profile, .bashrc, and .bash_logout
- You can customize these files or add your own to be used for accounts created thereafter.
- location of the skeleton directory (default is /etc/skel) (stores default user startup files)
- -m (–create-home)
- Creates a home directory if it does not already exist.
- -o (–non-unique)
- Creates a user account sharing the UID of an existing user.
- When two users share a UID, both get identical rights on each other’s files.
- Should only be done in specific situations.
- -r (–system)
- Creates a service account with a UID below 1000 and a never-expiring password.
- -s (–shell)
- Defines the absolute path to the shell file. The default is /bin/bash.
- -u (–uid)
- Indicates a unique UID. Without this option, the next available UID from the /etc/passwd file is used.
- login
- Specifies a login name to be assigned to the user account.
- -b (–base-dir)
- modify the attributes of an existing user
- similar syntax to useradd and most switches identical.
- Options unique to usermod:
- -a (–append)
- Adds a user to one or more supplementary groups
- -l (–login)
- Specifies a new login name
- -m (–move-home)
- Creates a home directory and moves the content over from the old location
- -G
- Add a list of groups a user is a member of.
- -a (–append)
- to remove a user from the system
- set or modify a user’s password
No-Login (Non-Interactive) User Account
- /sbin/nologin
- special purpose program that can be employed for user accounts that do not require login access to the system.
- located in the /usr/sbin (or /sbin) directory
- user is refused with the message, “This account is currently not available.”
- If a custom message is required, you can create a file called nologin.txt in the /etc directory and add the desired text to it.
- If a no-login user is able to log in with their credentials, there is a problem. Use the grep command against the /etc/passwd file to ensure ‘/sbin/nologin’ is there in the shell field for that user.
- examples of user accounts that do not require login access are the service accounts such as ftp, apache, and sshd.
Basic User Management Labs
Lab: who
Lab: what
Lab: last
- List all user login, logout, and system reboot occurrences:
- List system reboot info only:
last reboot
Lab: lastb
Lab: lastlog
Lab: id
- View info about currently active user:
- View info about another user:
id user1
Lab: groups
- View current user’s groups:
- View groups of another user:
groups user1
Lab: user authentication files
- list of the four files and their backups from the /etc directory:
ls -l /etc/passwd* /etc/group* /etc/shadow* /etc/gshadow*
- View first and last 3 lines of the passwd file
head -3 /etc/passwd ; tail -3 /etc/passwd
- verify the permissions and ownership on the passwd file:
ls -l /etc/passwd
- View first and last 3 lines of the shadow file:
head -3 /etc/shadow ; tail -3 /etc/shadow
- verify the permissions and ownership on the shadow file:
ls -l /etc/shadow
- View first and last 3 lines of the group file:
head -3 /etc/group ; tail -3 /etc/group
- Verify the permissions and ownership on the group file:
ls -l /etc/group
- View first and last 3 lines of the gshadow file:
head -3 /etc/gshadow ; tail -3 /etc/gshadow
- Verify the permissions and ownership on the gshadow file:
ls -l /etc/gshadow
Lab: useradd and login.defs
- use the cat or less command to view the useradd file content or display the settings with the useradd command:
useradd -D
- grep on the/etc/login.defs with uncommented and non-empty lines:
grep -v ^# /etc/login.defs | grep -v ^$
Lab: Create a User Account with Default Attributes (root)
- Create user2 with all the default directives:
useradd user2
- Assign this user a password and enter it twice when prompted:
passwd user2
- grep for user2: on the authentication files to examine what the useradd command has added:
cd /etc ; grep user2: passwd shadow group gshadow
- Test this new account by logging in as user2 and then run the id and groups commands to verify the UID, GID, and group membership information:
su - user2
Lab: Create a User Account with Custom Values
- Create user3 with UID 1010, home directory /usr/user3a, and shell /bin/sh:
useradd -u 1010 -d /usr/user3a -s /bin/sh user3
- Assign user1234 as password (passwords assigned in the following way is not recommended; however, it is okay in a lab environment):
echo user1234 | passwd --stdin user3
- grep for user3: on the four authentication files to see what was added for this user:
cd /etc ; grep user3: passwd shadow group gshadow
- Test this account by switching to or logging in as user3 and entering user1234 as the password. Run the id and groups commands for further verification.
su - user3
Lab: Modify and Delete a User Account
- Modify the login name for user2 to user2new, UID to 2000, home directory to /home/user2new, and login shell to /sbin/nologin.
usermod -l user2new -m -d /home/user2new -s /sbin/nologin -u 2000 user2
- Obtain the information for user2new from the passwd file for confirmation:
grep user2new /etc/passwd
- Remove user2new along with their home and mail spool directories:
userdel -r user2new
- Confirm the user deletion:
grep user2new /etc/passwd
Lab: Create a User Account with No-Login Access (root)
- Look at the current nologin users:
grep nologin /etc/passwd
- Create user4 with non-interactive shell file /sbin/nologin:
useradd -s /sbin/nologin user4
- Assign user1234 as password:
echo user1234 | passwd --stdin user4
- grep for user4 on the passwd file and verify the shell field containing the nologin shell:
grep user4 /etc/passwd
- Test this account by attempting to log in or switch:
su - user4
Lab: Check User Login Attempts (root)
- execute the last, lastb, and lastlog commands, and observe the outputs.
- List the timestamps when the system was last rebooted.
last | grep reboot
Lab 5-2: Verify User and Group Identity (user1)
- run the who and w commands one at a time, and compare the outputs.
- Execute the
commands, and compare the outcomes. Examine the extra information that the id command shows, but not the groups command.
Lab 5-3: Create Users (root)
- create user account user4100 with UID 4100 and home directory under /usr.
useradd -m -d /usr/user4100 -u 4100 user4100
- Create another user account user4200 with default attributes.
useradd user4200
- Assign both users a password.
passwd user4100
passwd user4200
- View the contents of the passwd, shadow, group, and gshadow files, and observe what has been added for the two new users.
cat /etc/passwd
cat /etc/shadow
cat /etc/group
cat /etc/gshadow
Lab: Create User with Non-Interactive Shell (root)
- Create user account user4300 with the disability of logging in.
useradd -s /sbin/nologin user4300
- Assign this user a password.
passwd user4300
- Try to log on with this user and see is displayed on the screen.
su - user4300
- View the content of the passwd file, and see what is there that prevents this user from logging in.
cat /etc/passwd