Chapter 1 RHCSA Notes - Installation
About RHEL9
- Kernel 5.14
- Released May 2019
- Built along side of Fedora 34
- Installer program = Anaconda
- Default Bootloader = GRUB2
- Default automatic partitioning = /boot, /, swap
- Default desktop environment = GNOME
Installation Logs
/root/anaconda-ks.cfg Configuration entered
/var/log/anaconda/anaconda.log Contains informational, debug, and other general messages
/var/log/anaconda/journal.log Stores messages generated by many services and components during system installation
/var/log/anaconda/packaging.log Records messages generated by the dnf and rpm commands during software installation
/var/log/anaconda/program.log Captures messages generated by external programs
/var/log/anaconda/storage.log Records messages generated by storage modules
/var/log/anaconda/syslog Records messages related to the kernel
/var/log/anaconda/X.log Stores X Window System information
Note: Logs are created in /tmp then transferred over to /var/log/anaconda once the install is finished.
6 Virtual Consoles
- Monitor the installation process.
- View diagnostic messages.
- Discover and fix any issues encountered.
- Information displayed on the console screens is captured in installation log files.
Console 1 (Ctrl+Alt+F1)
- Main screen
- Select language
- Then switches default console to 6
Console 2 (Ctrl_Alt+F2)
- Shell interface for root user
Console 3 (Ctrl_Alt+F3)
- Displays install messages
- Stores them in /tmp/anaconda.log
- Info on detected hardware, etc.
Console 4 (Ctrl_Alt+F4)
- Shows storage messages
- Stores them in /tmp/storage.log
Console 5 (Ctrl_Alt+F5)
- Program messages
- Stores them in /tmp/program.log
Console 6 (Ctrl_Alt+F6)
- Default Graphical configuration and installation console screen
Console 1 Brings you to the log in screen. Console 2 does nothing. Console 3-6 all bring you to this log in screen
Lab Setup
Memory: 2GB
Storage: 1x20GB
2 vCPUs
Memory: 2048
Storage: 1x20GB
4x250 MB data disk
1x5GB data disk
2 vCPUs
Setting up VM1
Download the disc iso on Redhat’s website:
Name RHEL9-VM1 Accept defaults.
Set drive to 20 gigs
press “spe” to hlt utooot
Selet instll
selet lnguge
onfigure timezone under time & dte
go into instlltion destintion nd li “done”
Networ nd hostnme settings
- hnge the hostnme to
- go to IPv4 settings in networ nd host nd set to mnul ddress: netms 24 gtewy then sve
- slide the on/off swith in the min menu to on
Set root pssword
Chnge the oot order
- power off the vm
- Set oot sequene to hrd dis first then optil, remove floppy
Accept license terms and rete user
ssh from host os with putty
Issue these Commnds after set up
logout or ctrl+d
Using cockpit
- Web gui for managing RHEL system
- Comes pre-installed
- if not then install with:
sudo dnf install cockpit
- must enable cockpit socket
sudo systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
- https://yourip:9090
Enable cockpit.socket:
sudo systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
In a web browser, go to https://<your-ip>:9090